Create Copy Of JavaScript Object Except For Certain Properties

May 15, 2020 by Andreas Wik

Here’s how to create a copy of an object in JavaScript, but without certain properties.

Let’s say I want to make a copy of this statueObj object below, BUT I don’t want the company property in my new object.

const statueObj = {
  city: "Sydney",
  height: 238,
  material: "bronze",
  company: "Haddonstone"


The following code will do just this, using destructuring. We assign the company property to its own variable and assign all of the rest of the properties in statueObj to a new object named newStatueObj.

const {company, ...newStatueObj} = statueObj


  city: "Sydney",
  height: 238,
  material: "bronze"


You could do this with more than just one property. Let’s remove city as well:

const {company, city, ...newStatueObj} = statueObj


  height: 238,
  material: "bronze"



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